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Coordinating Window Coverings - CoversDesignersEdge

Do My Window Coverings Need to Match?

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Your home’s front facade and interior’s open concept rooms are most obliged to have a corresponding or matching window covering look. Your window treatments do not need to match, but they should complement each other. This article provides design options and tips for matching your window coverings and knowing when not to match them. 

Read these design-safe, industry tips that allow you to feel comfortable choosing window coverings and knowing where and when they may need to match or be colour-similar to each other. Even though all design rules can be broken, designers and visionaries are the best candidates for employing out-of-the-box options. 

If my window treatments cannot match, how can I coordinate them?

Coordinating Blinds with Drapery - CoversDesignersEdgeOften, window treatments cannot match. The same window treatment rarely works for all windows (although the faithful, long-lasting shutter is almost suitable for any window.) Light control and practical needs usually dictate different products.

Even when the windows have the option of being
dressed the same, it is sometimes a temptation that is best avoided.

Using our photo here, you can see the attractive and subtle connection between the Dual shade’s horizontal lines and the Luminette’s’ vertical lines. The same colouring for both types of window coverings makes good design sense, different products allow a pleasant contrast in the room, and the same colour keeps it from being distractive. 

All our staff decorators and designers at Covers Designers’ Edge have many years of design experience. We know our products inside and out to professionally help you with your window covering decisions.

Most often, blinds and shades will marry perfectly with functional drapery or simply adding side panels to add colour, warmth and texture to the room. 


Situations where you may want to achieve a matching or coordinating look:

OpenConcept RoomWith Coordinating CoveringsAn open concept room with its gorgeous play of natural light throughout is currently one of the most popular remodelling trends, but all of those windows, previously in separated rooms, are now forced to play nicely with each other, a challenge if you keep the sometimes unrelated sizing of the original openings. 

If you think you’d like the same window coverings throughout your open concept room, you should determine whether the room’s design style and practical needs suit all matching window treatments. 

Open Concept With Many Windows - CoversDesignersEdgeA designer’s eye is always helpful. Please contact us online or call a location near you with your window covering dilemma. Or read our article, How to Choose Window Treatments.

  • A minimalistic feel and a matching window covering everywhere may work. 
  • A room styled to be overabundant can also work with matching minimalistic blinds or shades on all windows. 
  • A minimal room may also demand different window treatments. 

Colour can be enough to coordinate a look.

Matching blinds - with a single draperyRepetition grounds a room. Choosing similar colours for your unmatched window coverings gives them intention. And the same blind colour in a room with variations of drapery ties it together. 

Bedrooms, of course, will always be a place where window treatments can be a challenge. Read our article,
Bedroom Blinds With Different Light Control For Two People.

Covers Designers’ Edge locations
throughout Southern Ontario offer major design brands, and we manufacture beautiful blinds and draperies to provide you with endless custom combinations of products so that you have the window coverings you love. 

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